Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Great for Summer Reading!

I like the book Diary of a Fly because I like the way that they try to teach each other what they do best and neither can succeed. I think it'sfunny that Spider laughs so hard that he falls out of his tree. Irecommend it to anyone who likes funny stories.

I like the book No English because I like the way Diane wanted to make up for being a tattle tale on Blanca just because she was drawing in a spelling bee. I think it would be hard to be nowhere near pepole that you understand. She was the only one in her school that was from Argentina. One day when her class was in the library Diane saw a book with Spanish and gave it to Blanca. When she opened it her eyes lit up. She thanked Diane and they became friends. When they went back to the class room it was time for a spelling bee. This time Diane drew pictures of each other. They where sent to the office and the principal asked to see their pictures and he hung them outside the office door. They were happy.

By Emma Synnestvedt

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