Saturday, June 28, 2008

Katie S.'s Favorites

diary of a worm. great book.

go dogs go. it is one of my favorite books.

More Anonymous Recommendations

My favorite book is Griffen's castle and it's where a lot of griffen's castle and she needs to save her great great grandmother; you should check this book out! My second favorite favorite book is Fairy Quest for the Egg. It's where lots of fairies are going to save their queen so check this book out!

Two Favorites

Two books I liked were Nicki and Thanks to Nicki. They are about a girl who is afraid to say no. One morning her mom asks her if she could train and take care of a leader dog because her Mom is having a baby and can't. Nicki can' t say no. In the end Nicki learns how to say no. When it was time to give the dog away Nicki was sad. Those are two books I liked.

Amira, 5th grader, recommends:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
I love this book! J.K. Rowling, the author, did a wonderful job of writing it. It is about a wizard and his problems and friends at a wizard school called Hogwarts. Then Harry and his friends find out about a special stone and try to save it. This is an excellent book and you should read it.

The Cupid Chronicles
This book is about a girl and her mother who is a retired wedding planner. Their town, Cape Cod, has a library, and the girl is traving to save it from closing along with dealing with her social life. The sequel to this book, The Wedding Planner's Daughter, is a great book as well.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Andrew, 4th Grader, Recommends:

Franny K Stein, Mad Scientist: Lunch Walks Among Us

I like this book because it is funny. It is funny because there is a pumpkin man who takes the teacher and brings her up the flag pole and Franny has to make a meat man out of the kids' lunches and the meat man has to shake the pole to make the pumpkin man drop the teacher. Franny puts the bread from the kids' lunches under the flag pole so the teacher can have a safe fall. That is why this book is funny.

Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist: The Invisible Fran

In this book the class has to show their hobbies so Franny makes a robot. She drinks a formula to make herself invisible and tells the kids to fix the robot but since she was invisible it was like they were thinking. The kids think they are mad scientists because they fixed the robot instead of Franny. Before school they accidentally make the robot stupid so it destroys part of the school. In the end they use their hobbies to destroy the robot.

Some Anonymous Reviews

The book Sarah Plain and Tall was great . I was really sad when I found out the kids' mom died.

I read The Deliverance of Bears by Elizabeth Stanley. I think it was one of the best books I've read. It's about the freedom and happinessof bears and what someone did to save a bear that was being tortured. He bought the bear with the money he earned to buy something he needed.

I read the book Hoot by Carl Hiaasen and I thought the author put so much details that you can picture being there. It never gets boring because there is always something happening. Every time I read a chapter I couldn't wait to read more. It felt like I was in the position the kids in the story were in. I never wanted to stop. Hoot is about three kids trying to save owls. Their homes are being destroyed by bulldozers to build a pancake house. The builders don't believe the kids when they say that owls live there. Will the kids stand up to the builders and save the owls? You'll have to read the book to find out.

I read Ellen Tebbits and I thought the author put you in the situation that the characters were in. It's about two best friends surviving school and friendships. I loved the words she used.

I read the book The Sight. It's very sad, exciting, scary, and surprising. It's all about wolves and what's going on in their lives. There's an evil wolf named Morgra who's trying to kill another pack of wolves. Will she kill them or won't she? Read it and find out!

Andrew Clements is my favorite author!

The book The School Story was so good . It was by the author i like most. I had even gotten the book at Baldwin for completing 24 activities in the summer reading last year.

Great for Summer Reading!

I like the book Diary of a Fly because I like the way that they try to teach each other what they do best and neither can succeed. I think it'sfunny that Spider laughs so hard that he falls out of his tree. Irecommend it to anyone who likes funny stories.

I like the book No English because I like the way Diane wanted to make up for being a tattle tale on Blanca just because she was drawing in a spelling bee. I think it would be hard to be nowhere near pepole that you understand. She was the only one in her school that was from Argentina. One day when her class was in the library Diane saw a book with Spanish and gave it to Blanca. When she opened it her eyes lit up. She thanked Diane and they became friends. When they went back to the class room it was time for a spelling bee. This time Diane drew pictures of each other. They where sent to the office and the principal asked to see their pictures and he hung them outside the office door. They were happy.

By Emma Synnestvedt

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ava Recommends...

I liked the book Brave Irene. It was about a little girl whose mom sews. she sewed a dress for the duchess. her mom got sick and she couldn't take the dress to the duchess. Irene took the dress to the duchess and there was a big snow storm. The wind said go home Irene.But she was brave and took the dress.This book was great because I liked reading about a girl like me who was brave. Ava

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What Meaghan Liked

I liked the book Little Women. It is about five girls growing up while there ma works and father is at war. It is all about how they grow up and where there journeys take them. But sadly one of the girls passes away from a disease. But in the end all girls marry and I guess you could say live happily ever after. So check out Little Women today!

I liked the book Amelia's Notebook. It is about a girl who is moving from her old house and has to leave all her precious things behind (like her best friend). She also has an anoying sister named Cleo. I like it because it is not a book book it has lots of misspellings and pictures. Amelia I think has a great sense of humor. So check out Amelia's Notebook today at Baldwin!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Grace N. Recommends...

RAMONA AND BEEZUS. I like the book Ramona and Beezus Because it is about a girl named Ramona who is four years old And her sister Beezus who thinks Ramona is a pest. One day when it was Beezus's birthday and their mom had to make 2 birthday cakes because in the first oneRamona putall of the eggs in and for the second one Ramona put her doll Bedix in the cake while it was cooking.
By Grace N.

Charlotte’s WEB. I liked the book Charlotte’sWeb because it was about Things I like. Animals and a girl who had love for animals. The book was about a girl who raised a pig. First the pig was raised in the kitchen by the stove. Then was moved out under an appletree. Fern's father made a box for him to sleep in. When Wilbur the pig was 5 week old, he was sold toFern's uncle, Mr. Zuckerman. He met a friend there in the Barn, it was a spider. Her name was Charlotte. One day the Sheep said that when the cold weather came he would be butchered. Charlotte saved his life by writing words in her web. Wilber got to go to the county fair becauseMr. Zuckerman was so proud of his pig, Wilbur. By Grace N.

Isaac N. recommends...

Lazy Jack by Vivian French. Review by Isaac N., age 6. I like Lazy Jack because it is funny and it is a silly story. It has good pictures.

Haunted Castle on Hallow's Eve by Mary Pope Osborne. Review by Isaac N., age 6. This book has good words and pictures. I like this book very much. I like this part about when they were surrounded by ravens: The raven king said “Where are the two ravens that stole my Diamond?” “What diamond,” said Annie. The raven king held a birdcage. The raven king said they looked like this one. Annie and jack said teddy well said the ravenKing. It looks like I caught a little teddy. Don’t you think he’ll be a good pet? Said the Raven King. You’d better let him go, said Jack or else. Yeah, you’d better let him go, said Annie, or else. Or Else what, said the Raven King. Jack reached for the magic twig but the Raven got it first. “Hey,” said Annie “That’s Rok.” “Give it to me,” said the Raven King. “No,” said Annie. “Don’t let him boss you around anymore.” “Give us the diamond,” said Annie

Johnny Cash Biography

“Hello, I’m Johnny Cash”. This was the way Johnny Cash introduced himself at each of his performances, and this seems like a good way to introduce the biography to you. Johnny Cash, also known as “the Man in Black”, was a famous country music singer. Originally from Arkansas, Johnny Cash suffered hardships in his childhood, and his mother’s singing was his first musical influence. Johnny was known for being a very polite and nice man. Through his singing career, Johnny Cash won 15 Grammy Awards and an MTV award! To find out more about the fascinating details of this great artist’s life, read Upclose: Johnny Cash by Anne E. Neimark.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gabby's Choices

The Princess School-If The Shoe Fits #1 By: Gabby. I read that book and it's for someone who loves fantasy and princesses. It goes off of Snow White, Cinderella, and stuff like that. It's also a series so there's a lot of them to read. Hope to see people reading it!

I read Lion Boy and I think that if you like mysteries and fantasies then this is the book for you! It says to be continued at the end and then there's a book called Lion Boy the truth and one called Lion Boy the chase that follow the first one. I hope you read it!
Publish Reject

All About Anne by Nayri

Anne of Green Gables is a great book!!!

Anne Of Avonlea is fantastic!!! Nayri Carman, 9

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer Reading 2008!

Come "Catch the Reading Bug" at the library! The Summer Reading Open House is on Wednesday, June 11th, from 2-5 p.m. Come to sign up for the club and for any of the grea.t programs we have to offer this summer. For more info on Summer Reading, go to