Friday, June 13, 2008

Grace N. Recommends...

RAMONA AND BEEZUS. I like the book Ramona and Beezus Because it is about a girl named Ramona who is four years old And her sister Beezus who thinks Ramona is a pest. One day when it was Beezus's birthday and their mom had to make 2 birthday cakes because in the first oneRamona putall of the eggs in and for the second one Ramona put her doll Bedix in the cake while it was cooking.
By Grace N.

Charlotte’s WEB. I liked the book Charlotte’sWeb because it was about Things I like. Animals and a girl who had love for animals. The book was about a girl who raised a pig. First the pig was raised in the kitchen by the stove. Then was moved out under an appletree. Fern's father made a box for him to sleep in. When Wilbur the pig was 5 week old, he was sold toFern's uncle, Mr. Zuckerman. He met a friend there in the Barn, it was a spider. Her name was Charlotte. One day the Sheep said that when the cold weather came he would be butchered. Charlotte saved his life by writing words in her web. Wilber got to go to the county fair becauseMr. Zuckerman was so proud of his pig, Wilbur. By Grace N.

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