Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Claire's Choices

One of my choices is Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep. It is a good book. It is about a girl named Emily Windsnap.She is a mermaid when she goes underwater. She and her family move to the Bermuda Triangle. She gets into a lot of trouble with a monster.

I also recommend Soul Surfer. It is a book about Bethany Hamilton. The girl that lost her arm to a shark. It talks about surfing. It also talks all about her starting to surf again after her accident.

1 comment:

Little Willow said...

The Emily Windsnap books are great fun!

If you liked Soul Surfer, check out Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham. It's a verse novel about a young girl who loses her arm to a shark - see why I'm recommending it to you? - and it's extremely well-written.